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I've injured my knee, what should I do?

Please note, NHS treatment is available for all eligible patients, and your local minor injury / emergency department should be your first port of call for emergency conditions.  These would include significant injuries with bruising, particularly with reduced sensation or numbness down the leg.


If you are not suffering an emergency and would like a review, please contact us with the details.  This is particularly applicable if you are abroad, such as skiing, as we can arrange necessary scans for when you return, and offer advice in the meantime.


If you are young (less than 40 years) and have had an injury to your knee that has resulted in swelling within minutes or hours then you should have an MRI to diagnose whether you have suffered an injury that needs protecting or repairing.  This is also applicable, though not usually as urgent, if you are more than 40 years of age.  Please contact us and we can assist.



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